another accident.

There was a period in my childhood when I could not stop asking questions. I remember asking these questions mostly to my late father. A period within this period is when I continuously asked questions about death. Not about death…

one day.

It was late in the day, the plaza was empty. No classes. The canteen was closed, and we were sitting in front of it, just the two of us, watching the horizon. Sunset. You told me you wanted a girlfriend….

the world.

“Dunia, dunia,” Papa used to sing and sigh out with a smile. I grew up hearing this: the world, the world. Such is the world. He left it with a smile. I remember telling him in his comatose, it’s okay,…


Dear system 1, I would hereby like to let you know that I am aware of you. Please stop trying to convince me of things inconceivable, because being mindful of you I can distinguish you from the life I live….

new year.

Something hit and I had to take a distance from myself today. I saw so many jumbled emotions there, like if a firework had strings attached to each of its tiny explosions, each of its other ends tied to its…


I don’t know how I can be not a work in progress. Unflinching rock breaking waves and shouts indifference. For I am water and as such will always flow.



Untitled, Singapore (2012) Production: 1. The gallery in cooperation with the artist announces a call for second-hand white T-shirts (in wearable condition). For each T-shirt received by the gallery, the gallery will donate a set amount of money to an…


Life is a grand, complex accident happening in extreme extreme slow motion. We manoeuvre as best we can in the meanwhile, but death is eventual.



Quickly cut tofu to small pieces, pour enough corn flour on a small plate to cover the tofu pieces on all sides, fry tofu pieces covered in corn flour, put on a plate covered with oil-absorbing paper. In the meanwhile…


Time, as Cummings has written, is what keeps everything from happening all at once. My time, however, keeps everything happening all at once. All the time, I try incessantly to keep everything from happening all at once, but I’m not…