
My next birthday is so significant. It is, as Dale’s physician has said, the end of the body that I was born with, and the beginning of the body that I’ve earned. That is why it is so significant. So…


I have a photograph of you up on the wall on the right side of my bed. You look tormented, what a good acting you’ve done, but still so handsome. Like a beggar, a random someone said, but that’s how…

beat deaf.

After injecting anesthetic on my arm, they started operating on it. I could feel something, but it felt like there was a thick barrier between my arm and their operating devices. This is what it feels like: like reading something…



Many years ago, I took this photo with my video camera, and learnt quite a bit about politics.



Thinking of my magnet and my razorblade today, I had a revelation. How they relate to each other is like what the fox said to the little prince. Being attracted so strongly to each other, but pulled back by the…


Cleaning up the kitchen, I couldn’t escape wondering whether it is possible to fall in love with a place. I have many flashes of my past, just me and a place. The way the wind blows, the way the leaves…


From this height, I can see the blue skies, the top of the trees, the shaking tram cables, and your heart. You left it here when you crossed the road – remember? – when looking back at me you mouthed…


Manuel made me a quick tattoo when I visited a few days ago. Apparently it would increase my value, and when I said someone might kidnap me and ask for a ransom just to get this artwork, Manuel said they…


Is it for me that I love him, or is it for him that he loves me? There is no such thing as a union of souls – much like there’s no such thing as a unicorn. Ulysses came home…


It is repulsive, really, my desire to rattle. But time decides and spirits grow. Adults become elderly and even pine trees die. When I die, I will count back every single breath, salute every single encounter, and smile at the…