
This realtime, intricate detailed interaction between relationships of human being called Life is quite amazing. You will never know what will happen this next second.

I have been telling myself this for quite a long time, but always, when a twitch happens and life redirects itself, I can just gasp in awe and say, “This realtime, intricate interaction between relationships of human being called life is quite amazing! You will never know what will happen the next second. I have been telling myself this for quite a long time, but always, when a twitch happens and life redirects itself for me, I can only gasp in awe and say, “Gees. This realtime, intricate detailed interaction between relationships of human being called life is quite amazing. You will never know what will happen tomorrow, or the next second, even! I have been telling myself this for quite a long time, but always, when a twitch happens and my life redirects itself, I always just gasp in awe and say, “Wow. This realtime, intricate detailed interaction between relationships of human being called life is amazing. You will never know what will happen this next second!”””

Perpetually like this.

Is it because I believe change is the only constant that change just happens to me like ocean waves hitting the shore?

Like, salty?

What if starting tomorrow I choose to believe in another thing?


Starting tomorrow, I will believe in Salmon steak with roasted sesame seeds.

Like, less salty, but still a bit fishy.