
I’m having fun, and going mad!

When I came in this morning the razor blade with the red thread was down. I wonder whether that was because of the fan (it’s hot today!) or if someone has touched it. Or if it’s from the weight of the black thread (the one that came through the gap between the magnet and the razor blade). Or, the wind blowing from the movement of people passing through the door next to the window.

I guess this installation has to be site specific. There’s a lot to try out and it seems that it has to be built little by little. I’m not really sure. One thing that I thought today is about the delicateness of the setup and whether I really want to have anything really nailed down to the floor or up to the ceiling instead of just having everything sort of flowing in between and dependent on each other.

But I think I have to stop having-fun-going-mad soon and try to think more what I have to prepare before leaving to Jogja.

Here’s what I did to the test setup today.


I stuck dried petals at both ends of the black thread …


… and stuck a thread to the hook and hung the thread to the upper frame of the window. I then hung one end of the black thread on the hook.

The hook is made of steel as well and is attractable by the magnet. Perhaps I’ll try something else with this later.


I also moved the razor blade of the first setup to the other side of the window frame, so it’s a bit diagonal-ish … it works. I guess a bit of slant is still okay, depending on the strength of the magnet.