
When you have fallen, you bring along with you that feeling of falling at the back of your mind. You can feel all the minuscule details of your muscles trying to defy gravity while it’s pulling you onto scratching your fine skin against the concrete pavement.

All your life, when you pass that certain point under that bridge, you will remember. You ride with the knowledge that you have fallen, and that you might fall again. You wonder what he’s doing at this time on his side of the world. You wonder, simply, what he looks like now. You wonder whether he had let his hair grow. You wonder whether he still smells as nice as pheromone, you wonder whether he’s wondering about you. All the wonder and amazement of believing that you have passed that certain point, under that bridge, and that you have fallen. With him, and another, and yet another and another him.

When you have fallen, you carry the wounds with you. Long after they heal, you will still remember how you fell. It is then that you wonder why.

But there is simply no answer.