
Today is full moon. I bet it is there as well wherever you are. Just take a peek outside up above to see for yourself.

Today I read that EU said no Indonesian airlines will be allowed to fly into EU. The article also said, though, that not only Indonesian airlines were disqualified – some Ukrainian airlines were too. Aah, not that bad of course. We should always be glad with whatever we have.

On television, Gus Dur’s daughter spoke with quite good English saying that even though the political parties knew that they can get more votes by acting Islamic, she thinks Indonesia will remain moderate and secular in the following years.

Then some news about Arrosa, well-distributed in Jakarta – Arrosas are basically Barbie dolls clad in Islamic clothing. Funny, they still look very white and blue-eyed somehow. Mothers, though, were reported to be happy about these Arrosa dolls because these dolls can show their baby daughters that Islamic clothing could look fashionable too.

Me too, me too too. Fashion is pretty too.

A baby daughter with round eyes, wavy baby hair and a very cute voice said she liked them because they’re kawaii [unsic].

In the meanwhile, I’m trying to get as many mosquitos as I can. So far I’ve electrocuted 11 with my yellow mosquito racket.
(“While using // don’t touch the wireside”.)
I want to make something so meaningless it makes you glad to be a mere yourself.

Yea. Now let me get back to this one particular mosquito who has managed to escape several times. This one seems to have either good hearing or good eyesight. Hearing, to know that there’s a racket with some kind of electricity noise being turned on; eyesight, to see that a yellow rackety thing is electrocuting his colleagues.

Or maybe both good hearing and good eyesight. For a mosquito, at least. Oh, maybe even good brains. And EQ too!

Last night I electrocuted one and when I blew it off the racket it fell on the floor – two little ants suddenly came running out of nowhere and were immediately at it. These two then also ignored my trying to hush them away; they just struggled to lift the dead mosquito to carry it away, even though they had to compete with my reasonably big thumb and index finger.

Such a wild wild world out here.