
I had a few slight dreams that are worth mentioning today.

One was in the morning as my body was trying to decide whether to wake up or sleep again. I then suddenly found myself counting the plaits of a piece of miniature hanging curtain. I wasn’t thinking of the window. The curtain was a complete entity in its own. And I think there were 8 plaits (of different conditions and shapes) and more to go – I had to stop counting because my body decided to wake up.

One was just now. I had my head down on my keyboard in between my body’s tiredness and my brain’s willingness (pigheadedness is a better word) to go on. Suddenly I saw this projection on a dark wall, in a dark, dark space. The dark space reminded me of one of Douglas Adams’ scenes which he would perhaps call Nothingness-at-the-end-of-the-Restaurant-at-the-bla or something like this. On the wall there was this gigantic vertical space of projection. In color. I stared at it and at one point it started to move. While revealing its true shape – that of a massive and tall vertical cube – it rotated on one of its bottom corner like a pirouette, and landed on a position showing its other vertical surface. As it landed, it emitted a sound effect that sounded like a giant step (with impressive reverb).

Now. That should tell me I better get to sleep, shouldn’t it? Heh?