
And that day, it rained. As though they knew it was the day I would have met you, it rained. I stayed home all day and you did too. The next day, when it finally stopped raining, I went to the station and you were not there. But it didn’t matter because I hadn’t met […]

another accident.

There was a period in my childhood when I could not stop asking questions. I remember asking these questions mostly to my late father. A period within this period is when I continuously asked questions about death. Not about death per se, but about what could kill a human being. This might have been connected […]

the world.

“Dunia, dunia,” Papa used to sing and sigh out with a smile. I grew up hearing this: the world, the world. Such is the world. He left it with a smile. I remember telling him in his comatose, it’s okay, Pa, Zeno’s just arrived in Jakarta. There might be a delay with his continuing flight, […]