again, the tree et al.

If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound?

I asked the same question about the definition of space.
A plain is not a space.
A plain is a plain plain until I walk into it and bring in my personal space, with a radius of a few meters around me. If I would plant a tree that would grow as high as 50 meters up, the area around that tree will become a specific, defined space in that wild ol’ plain. If the 50 meters-high tree falls down (with or without any sound) and become horizontal, the shape of the space it created changes with it.

Johannes showed me a piece of paper with a tiny unsure dot on it and asked me what it is. I answered that it was a plain piece of paper. He then made another tiny unsure dot on that paper in front of my eyes and asked me what it is. I answered that it was a tiny dot on a piece of paper.

[Beepbeep, yes!]
If an artist makes art in his mind, and no one is there to see or feel it, do we call that art?

If the work is then made physical, and someone is there to experience it, do we call that art?

If the physical work is experienced by the artist and one audience, but then vaporizes onto thin air without any documentation … same question.

Why can’t we trust human memory? Why can’t one copyright an unrealized idea? What if the idea was realized, but then burnt to ashes blown by the wind, undocumented, unsighted, unwitnessed?

Masturbation becomes perversion the moment it is exhibited. Or does it?
Or does it become something else? Or does it become art?


For/fro Dale Nason.
Eternal personal questions combined with pillowyshawshanks from ‘Art as Trust’ process initiated by Dale Nason
+ discussion with Johannes Widodo