

     It’s not that sharp.   



Today, I have 132 mosquito-passports in total, including a UN laissez-passee one. Around this time last year, the idea of collecting as many passports as possible was merely a running joke between me and my friends. I would tell them…



My grandmother Tan Tjit Nio was born in 1912, in Pangkalpinang. She didn’t have any birth certificate. What she had was a acknowledgment of birth letter made in Batavia in 1940, signed by the Assistent-Resident of the Dutch India government…



  When we went to the Ngasem pet market to look for some sand to put in the kite pots, Ratna saw this baby mosquitoes for fish food. She immediately and excitedly asked me whether I still was collecting mosquitoes….



If you think I must have heard that question for thousands of times in my life, you might be right. Ask me to confirm the number of times. Hi. I’m Tintin. Oh, really? Where’s Snowy? (laughs, as though it’s the…



There is a certain wave in Jogja that tells motorbike riders when a traffic light is about to turn green. This wave is very practical when it’s sunny and very hot, especially around the gates of the old walls surrounding…

taman sari.

taman sari.

These stories came from a few weeks ago, when our internet access was slow and uploading was a frustrating mission: In the old days (and that’s dating only to the year 1755 and on) the Sultan would come to this…


       Today, Sobron Sehari-hari is taking a more focused direction.  “Pulang – Ke Mana?” Ketika Sobron Aidit meninggalkan Indonesia tahun 1963, tidak pernah terlintas di benaknya bahwa dia tidak akan bisa pulang. Putri keduanya, Nita, lahir di Cina,…



Last night was the first time I discussed more about Sobron Sehari-hari again with Marie. She has seen the first draft in Singapore when I presented it at Theatreworks/72-13 a few years ago.  Today started really hot. Midday, the big…



   This is where I’m working for the Landing Soon #5 artist residency until the end of January 2008. This particular studio is at the back of Cemeti Studio (just a few hundred meters from the Cemeti Art House), looking…