hong kong.

Art HK was not generally too crowded, although at some point it was difficult to really see the artworks. I imagine however that it was quite easy to spot Lure: just spot the big flock of people or the long…


At Espace culturel Louis Vuitton, it started off like this: … and ended up like this: Transfigurations: Indonesian Mythologies at Espace culturel Louis Vuitton, Paris, curated by Hervé Mikaeloff. 24 Jun – 23 Oct 2011. Made with the generous support…

Manuel made me a quick tattoo when I visited a few days ago. Apparently it would increase my value, and when I said someone might kidnap me and ask for a ransom just to get this artwork, Manuel said they…

“If you can write down your passport number without having to look at your passport,” the border police said smugly, “your passport is definitely fake.” What a training, I thought. Quietly, I felt sorry for him. The three other police…

Is it for me that I love him, or is it for him that he loves me? There is no such thing as a union of souls – much like there’s no such thing as a unicorn. Ulysses came home…

Our bodies are merely vehicles of the perpetuation of memories. Proteins cease with deaths and are reborn with birth. Eternal memories are then transferred to new neurons, forming new networks of old meanings, perpetuating ancient behaviours.

It is repulsive, really, my desire to rattle. But time decides and spirits grow. Adults become elderly and even pine trees die. When I die, I will count back every single breath, salute every single encounter, and smile at the…


What a Wonderful World: visions in contemporary Asian art of the world today, curated by Naoko Sumi at the Hiroshima Museum of Contemporary Art. 24 Mar – 13 May 2012.

the butterfly generator.

The Butterfly Generator (2012) is produced in cooperation with ZKM | Centre for Art and Media Karlsruhe, Germany, artist-in-residence program of the exhibition The Global Contemporary: Art Worlds after 1989 and Osage Art Foundation, Hong Kong. Many thanks to Lysander…


Lure (2009) at 4th Moscow Biennale. Presentation supported by Osage Art Foundation.