Tag Archives: 2017

Untold Movements – Act 3: Luxembourg

Untold Movements – Act 3: Luxembourg, is a 45-minute loop of synchronised 30-channel sound composition in 3 parts, peaking every 15 minutes. It sees the city as Saskia Sassen’s new frontier zone where people from different worlds meet. The compositions features the late Indonesian author Sobron Aidit (1934–2007) who was exiled during the Suharto government, […]

Untold Movements – Act 2: When I Doubt My Insanity

“when I doubt my insanity, I think around in a circle and walk about home.” Following on Act 1, the original spoken-word poetry in Act 2: When I Doubt My Insanity grew out of two characters in “1001 Martian Homes”, Wulia’s solo project at the Indonesian Pavilion, 57th Venice Biennale. In a 2- channel geolocated […]