Author Archives: admin

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Page Not Found Sorry, the file you have requested has been deleted. Make sure that you have the correct URL and the owner of the file hasn’t deleted it. Get stuff done with Google Drive Apps in Google Drive make it easy to create, store and share online documents, spreadsheets, presentations and more. Learn more […]

Within the Leaves, a Sight of the Forest

Within the Leaves, a Sight of the Forest (working title, due 2019) is in process. It is a further development of Proposal for a Film: Within the Leaves, a Sight of the Forest (2016). Diverting the installation from the waste route for the sake of telling the stories seems to go against the grain of environmental preservation. And, why […]

855 Kilograms of Homes in Another State

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris convallis dui et ultricies venenatis. In mauris est, laoreet nec condimentum vitae, condimentum vel diam. Nullam iaculis sit amet massa a hendrerit. Aliquam non nisi aliquet, maximus mi a, dapibus diam. Praesent elementum lacinia erat et mollis. Mauris rhoncus lorem eu lectus bibendum ullamcorper. Suspendisse imperdiet […]

Untold Movements – Act 3: Luxembourg

Untold Movements – Act 3: Luxembourg, is a 45-minute loop of synchronised 30-channel sound composition in 3 parts, peaking every 15 minutes. It sees the city as Saskia Sassen’s new frontier zone where people from different worlds meet. The compositions features the late Indonesian author Sobron Aidit (1934–2007) who was exiled during the Suharto government, […]

Untold Movements – Act 2: When I Doubt My Insanity

“when I doubt my insanity, I think around in a circle and walk about home.” Following on Act 1, the original spoken-word poetry in Act 2: When I Doubt My Insanity grew out of two characters in “1001 Martian Homes”, Wulia’s solo project at the Indonesian Pavilion, 57th Venice Biennale. In a 2- channel geolocated […]

172 Kilograms of Homes for Ate Manang

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris convallis dui et ultricies venenatis. In mauris est, laoreet nec condimentum vitae, condimentum vel diam. Nullam iaculis sit amet massa a hendrerit. Aliquam non nisi aliquet, maximus mi a, dapibus diam. Praesent elementum lacinia erat et mollis. Mauris rhoncus lorem eu lectus bibendum ullamcorper. Suspendisse imperdiet […]

40,000 Homes and a Sense of Security
(40.000 Huizen en een Gevoel van Veiligheid)

“There was once a girl called Gretel. She lived in Amsterdam, right on top Hansel’s apartment. Gretel didn’t know it, but like her, Hansel also worked as a subcontractor deliverer for the postal service. One day, Gretel found herself holding a blue envelope in front of a pentagonal building she had never seen before …” […]


Conceptually and geographically, Art Basel Hong Kong is a logical place for re-intervention of this project into the art world. As the most prominent art fair in the region, it is a highly visible event. The fair is equipped with the necessary media relations, and its curated sections emphasise the fair’s uniqueness. Having Five Tonnes of Homes and Other Understories and Proposal for a […]

Proposal for a Film: Within the Leaves, a Sight of the Forest

“Waste paper is like a forest. Paper recycles itself, generation after generation,” a man once told Zhang Yin, possibly the richest self-made woman in the world according to Forbes magazine in 2006, who earns her wealth from recycling cardboard waste. This film envisages the cardboard waste forest from within its leaves, revolving around the Filipino […]

Five Tonnes of Homes and Other Understories

Five Tonnes of Homes and Other Understories (2016), fresh from the streets of Central, is in turn a re-intervention to the art world. Like thick books with drawn covers, the massive bales of cardboard waste in Five Tonnes of Homes and Other Understories are physical digests of their route. They contain physical traces of people, stakeholders that make […]