Tag Archives: 2019

Within the Leaves, a Sight of the Forest

Within the Leaves, a Sight of the Forest (working title, due 2019) is in process. It is a further development of Proposal for a Film: Within the Leaves, a Sight of the Forest (2016). Diverting the installation from the waste route for the sake of telling the stories seems to go against the grain of environmental preservation. And, why […]

855 Kilograms of Homes in Another State

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris convallis dui et ultricies venenatis. In mauris est, laoreet nec condimentum vitae, condimentum vel diam. Nullam iaculis sit amet massa a hendrerit. Aliquam non nisi aliquet, maximus mi a, dapibus diam. Praesent elementum lacinia erat et mollis. Mauris rhoncus lorem eu lectus bibendum ullamcorper. Suspendisse imperdiet […]